一直以来,团队同学(也包括我自己)对单元测试不够重视,代码覆盖率几乎等于 0, 最直接的后果是代码 bug 率较高,重构困难。从 PHP 转为 Golang 开发已有一年多,
I have a query that I run that has a few `sql.Out` parameters. Using go-sqlmock, it doesn't appear to be possible to have values injected into the `Dest` field of a `sql.Out` parameter when the query …
I needed to upgrade oto for MAC, and then noticed all needed to be.
The tests all pass with a go.mod of:
module github.com/faiface/beep
go 1.14
require (
github.com/gdamore/tcell v1…
Is there a mocking library that works well with XORM. I've been trying to get `gopkg.in/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock.v1` to work but it's such a hassle to even get it running. When I try to mock complicated qu…
I have an application that I am trying to test where I am using a pgx connection. I would like to be able to inject a mock connection into my code where I can then expect/return expectations for that …
It seems, there is not an adapter written specifically for testing. It would be nice to have an adapter which utilizes memory instead of disk.
My code uses pg.Array to read a `text[]` field. Can I use this package to test this code? ... if so, how?
In glide 0.12.3 and 0.12.2 (downloaded binaries from GIT) on an amd64 machine, Glide stops fetching after the first 16 items.
Any help/tips/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Example output of…
When using`WillReturnCloseError` on an `ExpectedPrepare` but not using transactions,`Close()` is not returning the error given to `WillReturnCloseError`
Expected behaviour: `stmt.Close() == wantErr…
I'm thinking we try to test this against the major SQL DBs, such as Oracle, MySQL, Postgress (probably not needed since they have a pretty snazzy client), MsSQL/TSQL/SQLServer, and whatever else that …