Keeping with the mapping system (which is great, nice and FluentNHibernate style) it would be great if there were two extra extensions.
Default Value to allow you to set a default if …
In Orchard 1.6, NHibernate will be updated to 3.3.
The current 1.x branch contains these changes.
It seems that there is some errors using the Translations module.
Hello, I am incorporating FluentNHibernate for ORM purposes and want to use the ISession.
Implementing a Repository pattern, for instance, a natural thing to want to do in any ORM environment, ISessi…
When I install yessql via Nuget, Nuget will download and install NHibernate. Although this seems to work initially, a runtime error occurs as soon as I want to register an index with the store: "An in…
Problem: I want to map string Id properties to a custom type, representing CHAR(12) columns (_AnsiStringFixedLength(12)_ for NH).
What I want to do is define a _MyIdType_ that inherits from _NHiberna…
Create some documentation (probably PDF/RTF) and add it to the installer/nuget packages
On hold until FNH pushed a nuget that is compatible with NH 3.2
Hi, I recently tried shaml for a school project on a mac, and I noticed that it didn't work in the OSX installation of mono, the I came to the project source page and checked: