Dear Coders of Cobra Thermo tools,
I would like to check the thermodynamic consistency of one of my knockout strains and the fluxes given by an FBA/FVA analysis. Therefore I'd need to check out the d…
System is as follows:
Tested on firmware 4.81.02 (Habib w/ payload 7.50) as well as Rebug REX 4.81.02 (payload 7.51, payload 7.52) and Ferrox 4.82 running payload 7.53, running WebmanMOD…
There seems to be something weird going on with initCobraToolbox.
It tests the solvers. Which means it calls changeCobraSolver.
When it gets to testing the dqqMinos solver, some weird bug happens.…
Reported on decksite by Failed to execute `INSERT INTO card_legality (format_id, card_id, legality)
SELECT 34, bq.id, 'Legal'
`u`.`id` AS `id…
Failed to execute INSERT INTO deck ( created_date, updated_date, person_id, source_id, url, identifier, name, competition_id, archetype_id, resource_uri, featured_card, score, thumbnail_url, smal…
I'm getting an error using MATLAB 2015b and 2016b when I try to open a model (iNS934.xml).
The SMBL file was download from here:
Failed to execute `INSERT INTO card_legality (format_id, card_id, legality)
SELECT 34, bq.id, 'Legal'
`u`.`id` AS `id`, `u`.`layout` AS `layout`,
Failed to execute `INSERT INTO card_legality (format_id, card_id, legality)
SELECT 34, bq.id, 'Legal'
`u`.`id` AS `id`, `u`.`layout` AS `layout`,
**General description**
I am using iCEL1273 which can be accessed from WormFlux website (http://wormflux.umassmed.edu/). There are many reactions in the model which have such instances, …
A pull request has been opened for the following minor issues:
It's Recon2 not Recon1 in testGenerateRules
generateRules fails to consider empty cells in model.rules
However, the e coli model in…