even with the recommended steps, i can't fix the error:
(user-agent-venv)vagrant@leap-wheezy:/vagrant$ pixelated-user-agent --config /vagrant/config/try.pixelated-project.org.config
varac updated
9 years ago
Because `gem update` failed on several gems with `ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.` I tried to reinstall all gems (using Ruby 2.0.0 on Windows 7).
for i in `gem list --no-versions`; d…
"animated" results in "animated"
e.g. search for 'biological' finds four packages all of which contain the phrase 'biological sciences':
Repro: https://gist.github.com/4165996
Examples of the words that should be stemmed by [Porter](http://snowball.tartarus.org/algorithms/porter/stemmer.html) and [Porter2](http://snowball.tartarus.org…
There are two implementations of the original Porter stemmer in Lucene:
- PorterStemFilter
- PorterStemmer (based on Snowball)
The Porter2 algorithm is actually implemented as the EnglishStemmer (bas…
When I try to install jekyll on my Mac (OSX 10.9.2), I get the following errors:
$ sudo gem install jekyll
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing jekyll:…
- 对于英文,应该要分词来增加匹配度 (否则对于 art 这样的短词,很容易因为别的词包含而产生误判,对于中文,目前仅仅用全文搜索好了)
- 忽略大小写
Had native Mavericks ruby, and updated gems, and XCode Command LIne tools. Ran into this error:
ERROR: Error installing jekyll:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
just wante to give jekyll a try and can't pass the installation on MacOSX.
I did a "sudo gem update --system" and then tried to install jekyll with "sudo gem install jekyll", which results in: