**Describe the bug**
I have an existing Hugo project and I can open it. But the application crashes when I open a certain page in the editor.
I would like to use Netlifycms for my documentation website (docusaurus) hosted on my company’s server. My company forces me to use bitbucket as code repo so I followed the steps here: https://…
When I try to log into CMS with Netlify identity widget, I have to wait around 1 second before "Manually initializing identity widget" shows in the console. If I click LOGIN WITH NETLIFY IDENTITY butt…
Please, tell me that the project is still in development, how can i support you?
Unfortunately I just came across this [post](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/issues/6612).
I had come across some basic bugs with adding netlify-CMS support to the jkan docker compose. I…
Static CMS is a fork of Netlify CMS focusing on the core product over adding massive, scope expanding, new features.
The news sections on the homepage contains zero updates since over 2 years.
my project structure like this-
When I post in Netlif…
**Describe the bug**
I set the template.environment in my netlify.toml file but it does not export env in deployment.
In my app I have a search feature which goes to the content folder, grabs markdown posts, and displays them