Is anyone randomly getting this issue? My code will run for fine then this error will occur. The tickers were valid last week and are still valid on the Robinhood app.
After i input my username/password, it appears the API call is made as I am left hanging for a period of 1-2 minutes. After which I will receive this error:
raise ConnectionError(e, request=request…
While logging in I get that error.
I realize your Options support is in progress. In your documentation for OptionInstrument's method getBySymbol() you acknowledge that
> "As there is no apparent way to query Robinhood options by s…
Currently HttpClientFilter can be used to add authorization based on @Filter("path") but
a) What if there are multiple client libraries requiring different Authorization params
b) The path for a thi…
# Goal
As a developer, I want to integrate various data sources, also known as datasets, so I can leverage a diverse set of cryptocurrency-related data.
1. Enigma Data Marketplace (See #7)
2. Twitte…
this error has begun occurring when using the 'l' list all option:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./shell.py", line 565, in
File "/usr/lib64/python2…
- [x] Backend: Stock ticker, stock name
- [x] Redux Loop: ajax, actions, reducers
- [x] Presentational Components
- [x] Stock About
- [x] Stock Chart
- [x] Stock News
- [x] Styling/Interac…
// Below is an issue template, feel free to modify it
Code being executed:
Where `api` is an authenticated robinhood session:
const instrumentsBody = await new Promise(async (re…
After following instructions, going to localhost:8080 i get this error
Exception: Request Error!: 502 : Bad Gateway
Traceback (most recent call last)
File "/usr/local/l…