I'm living in South East Asia where we have air pollution almost all year round. We are using the luftdaten sensors in our school to measure PM2.5. levels indoors and outdoors. In addition to the PM2.…
`fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Configuration error - Service \"pihole-exporter\" uses an undefined network \"back-tier\""}`
above the error message
Raspi4+ Debian
Currently we are in the transition phase of implementing compensated values on our dashboard, map and the firmware. This can lead to some confusion. It would be good if we can switch the small display…
I have the AirGradient Pro 3.7, without the TVOC sensor, but with an upgrade to the SHT41 temp/humidity sensor.
I've been running it for a few weeks and pretty consistently after about a day of run…
After a power failure my 0-1PST won’t reconnect to the homey pro (early 2023).
the only way to get it connected again is to remove it from homey and then adding it as new device.
This is a problem…
Raised at https://forum.airgradient.com/t/failed-to-connect-when-adding-to-home-assistant/2384
The AirGradients don’t get auto-discovered. The IP addresses I’m trying are definitely correct.
It's been a few weeks now, that if I click on "PM 2.5 AQI" I don't see the graph, but the status bar like this:
INFO ESPHome 2024.8.0
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/air-gradient-pro.yaml...
Failed config
interval: [source /data/packages/76b4402f/packages/display_sh1106_multi_page.yaml:192]…
Hello, I came here from here, let me know if it's the wrong spot:
I upgraded the firmware on my AirGradient a…
# Home Assistant on M1 Macs, the proper way - Ixion's blog
How to set up Home Assistant on M1 Macs using Colima and Docker containers, without breaking discovery