The code snippet
public static void Execute(string pname)
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
Help me!The BreakPionts Not Work!
This my code:
using (var conariL = new ConariL(@".\x64\libcurl-x64.dll"))
var curl = conariL.DLR.curl_easy_init();
Found with [Native scripting](http://vssbe.r-eg.net/doc/Examples/NativeScripting/) and [GetNuTool](https://github.com/3F/GetNuTool) project.
through [this helper](https://github.com/3F/GetNuTool/bl…
Hello there,
I'm still hoping that I'm just doing something wrong when configuring the solution, but I'm not making any progress.
I have a student project where I shall implement some kind of plu…
Projects in VS 2017 no longer use ps1 scripts for install/uninstall. They are not called.
Instead, a package can provide a `\build\\packagename.targets` file that will automatically get imported. I…
LunaRoad starts process of changing its project name.
Since modern versions was fully based on [Conari](https://github.com/3F/Conari) engine, the new name is quite more logical and easier to pronou…
Hi Denis, hi all,
* Environment ( VS 2017)
sorry again.
As you know I have my problems with the C++/VB.NET solution with DLLExport (and with the C++ language per se and how it looks wit VB.NET …
Good news !
yesterday, Robert contacted with me and sent an invite to bitbucket repo:
- https://bitbucket.org/RobertGiesecke/unmanaged-exports (currently, **private access only**)
He also plans t…
We need some proxy settings.
keys for:
* server
* login/pass
I want to call vb.net ByRef and String function from java.
vb.net dll is maked by UnmanagedExports.
String[] str = {"testJavaWrited"};
String[] str2 = {"testJavaWrited2"};
final VbWrappe…