Used current clBLAS as the provided .so leads to many linker errors. darknet_cl compiles now but executing
`build/darknet_cl detect cfg/yolo.cfg yolo.weights data/dog.jpg`
leads to some warning…
I would like to know if there will be an option soon in darknet ROS for the darknet ZED_CAMERA option to get an object 3d position. Or is there a way to use that darknet option right now with t…
Hi Guys,
I'm a student of automotive systems and I'm really interessted for the yolo performance. as I have understood so far, that is you have converted the darknet-yolo-model into keras-model, rig…
Hey, I'm getting this error while compiling ;
[ 26%] Built target darknet_ros_msgs_generate_messages_py
[ 38%] Built target darknet_ros_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 56%] Built target darknet_ros_…
hi, I used yolov3-tiny.cfg training self-labeled images(only 3 classes), just modify last [convolutional] filters=24 in yolov3-tiny.cfg, it worked well in darknet test . it failed when I use YOLO_V…
I tried to compare the output of yolo-darknet and your version of yolo implemented in tensorflow in the following image. As you can see there is a clear mismatch between the two. I'n using tha same co…
These are the steps i have followed, im doing the setup on teslav100 ubantu 20.04 machine
1. docker pull daisukekobayashi/darknet:darknet_yolo_v4_pre-gpu
2. sudo docker run -it -d daisukekobayash…
@Jumabek Hi
i have something about the plot_yolo_log.py
zxh@k40-2:~/darknet/darknet_scripts$ python plot_yolo_log.py /home/zxh/darknet/log/tiny-yolo-voc-train.log
Traceback (most recent call la…
I have Yolo2 darknet19 weights and cfg files pretrained on a custom dataset. I converted those to TF h5 weights using the `convert.py` script, which also created an anchors file. However when I…
My components:
Windows 10
CUDA v11.5
CUDNN v8.3
I change
option(BUILD_YOLO_LIB "Should compiled standalone yolo_lib with original darknet?" ON)
to ON but it doesn't get set to ON.
I am…