I'm just learning to use this API, so please bear with me.
I keep getting this error while using the API:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulti…
OS: Ubuntu 18.04, fresh install. (Remember this)
PC: Thinkpad T430, i5 3320m, 16GB RAM, Samsung 256GB SSD
Issue: I run the installer, it installs Conda fine. But when it tries …
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Launchpad: MK2
Python versions (python --version)
System: Python 2.7.15+
Conda: Python 3.7.5
When pressing connect to launchpad the following error occurs, when switching usb p…
[download]: https://bintray.com/dv8fromtheworld/maven/JDA/_latestVersion
[guild]: https://discord.gg/0hMr4ce0tIk3pSjp
[stack overflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/java
## …
## Description
When running the disconnect command on the current development version the following happens https://pastebin.com/fc85vb4x
## Version info
**Client used:** [FredBoat's client wit…
Starting April 30, 2020, Twitch now requires the API to be authenticated with OAuth. More information can be found here: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api
This is now impacting users as they can't pla…
I have a python Discord bot that uses cleverbot.io and it's still working fine. Maybe they changed something else?
I am not sure but I was really looking forward to using this API.
OS- Linux Mint 18.3
IntelliJ Ver- 2018.1
Restarted Discord and IntelliJ multiple times and still no luck having it hook into Discord. This is quite unfortunate because this would be an awesome integ…
The logs were generated with the following command `java -Xlog:gc*=trace:file="gclogs/gc.log":tags,time,uptime,level -jar Lavalink.jar`
I am running a java 11 vm
openjdk version "11.0.3" 2019…
Add a link to the [twitter account](https://twitter.com/DuncteBot) somewhere in the embed that is being sent.
[Link to file](https://github.com/DuncteBot/SkyBot/blob/a190bce76ddf3c928ab1cdc5de0971c…