Write a Python Code by using pyttsx3 that converts Text to speech
Use this example for Reference :
Follow same pattern like gTTS
Hard to run actual tests now since calls are made to gtts, actual files are read, etc. Let's look into MagicMock and get some good tests going.
**The Question**:
trying to pass back the file path that is create dbut not recieving any
any ideas
**Any relevant python/javascript code:**
my server
```var express = require('express');
The app will become much more enhanced if an audio option is added to read the news. Various API like gtts exist which can be used to apply this feature.
Some googling showed that Google has blocked the translate API for tts. I am really not sure though.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/jasper/jasper.py", line 141, in
Use pi-top's onboard speaker to interact with the user via speech - particularly useful/interesting for robotics applications but can also have a lot of value for simpler Foundation Kit projects.
At the moment the speech_io is limited to a hard-coded pocketsphinx or google stt, and espeak tts. Would be good if there were more tts options (pyttsx, gtts, mac 'say' command), and was more easily …
Using Windows 7 64bit, was following along with the instructions at https://heyathena.com/docs/intro/install.html#windows until I ran into a hitch
Got to "pip3 install HeyAthena" and received this:
Nawjy updated
6 years ago
Rosdep seems to be using pip as sudo.
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y --simulate --reinstall
#[pip] Installation commands:
sudo -H pip install -U -I gTTS
I think th…
File ".\voice_input.py", line 26, in speak
File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\gtts\tts.py", line 248, in save
with open(str(savefile), 'wb') as f…