Imported from JIRA [DS-4012] created by terrywbrady
From the Sep 19, 2018 DEV Meeting
How useful would it be to you all to have Dockerfiles to support various versions of Java/Tomcat? Do we have a…
I did a simple java main Maven project.
I see many dependencies in my project jars, for example guava 18, httpclient401,jodatime27 etc...
If I wand to use for my other application logic guava 12 or 25…
OpenJDK is modifying Windows compilation for Java 11+ to use VS2017 and OpenJ9 should support the same.
See also #1684
I am using Mapstruct and Lombok in a maven based project:
There's a talk about Java 9 support in all similar libraries. E.g. [here's](https://github.com/ronmamo/reflections/issues/186#issuecomment-320408935) the relevant issue in Reflections, and this librar…
Based on https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-api/issues/41 the other profiles in https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-api/blob/master/pom.xml (to create smaller JARs according to profiles…
keilw updated
4 years ago
Though FluentLenium is built on/with JDK11, it also has a separate release for keeping JDK8 compatibility, from the same codebase, same branch. Thus right now it is not possible to leverage the benefi…
My project is JVM 12 based and I have to run detekt (Gradle Kotlin DSL setup) on it but I ran into the following error:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for…
To compile the trigger H2 uses the following code:
JavaCompiler JAVA_COMPILER = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
String fullClassName = packageName + "." + className;
At some point we should upgrade to Java 9 to gain the power of new java technology and remain secure.
Outcome of the #4217 spike.