Не получается запустить тесты при запущеном adbserver-desktop.jar.
Выполняемые действия:
Запускаю adb сервер:
java -jar adbserver-desktop.jar
Затем запускаю тест…
**Describe the bug**
No Allure report file is written to device. Video, logcat and screenshots are saved to Documents directory but there is no Allure report.
I am using the basic
After update compose support lib to 1.4.2 all tests fail with:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method "kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext$Key androidx.compose.runtime.MonotonicFrameClo…
#### Steps to reproduce:
1. Define a KTextView using the withText(resId: Int) matcher and preform a check on it
2. Change locale mid-test (using kaspresso SystemLanguage)
3. Perform a check…
Too many people face significant problems with new Kaspresso version.
Build fails with error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No direct method (ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/S…
Can you improve uiautomator2-driver driver like https://github.com/KasperskyLab/Kaspresso/blob/master/wiki/02_Wrapper_over_UiAutomator.md ?
I looked at the source code of uiautomator2-driver, which…
For integrating additional testing tools like TestButler or Facebook's Screenshot Testing it is necessary to use a custom TestRunner. For Kaspresso to make use of the Allure Reports, it is necessary t…
Seeing java.lang.RuntimeException: when using flakysafely and the intended behaviour is not as expected.
below is my test
``` fun mallNavigationTest() {
before {
Дано: expanded боттомшит с MaterialButton'ами внутри вертикального LinearLayout.
В тесте не всегда срабатывает клик по MaterialButton'у (любому).
Логи при этом говорят, что клик произошёл:
> View…