(Original Bugzilla Bug ID: [1652](http://bugs.libreplan.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1652))
Date: 2014-06-10 07:18:09
From: kino.tan \
To: Jeroen Baten \
Version: master (1.4.x)
Last updated: 2014-08-16 17:43…
kwoot updated
6 years ago
I am trying to build master branch in Noetic, apart from installing ros-noetic-pcl* and changing std=c++11 flags to std=c++14 in all cmake files (PCL 1.10 requires it) everything works/compiles.
Chromium on openSUSE Leap 42.1
No script manager
uBlock origin
EasyList + AakList + many others
ghost updated
8 years ago
главная страница вторая полоса иконок
"как воспроизвести"
1- открыть главную страницу сайта https://kino.mail.ru
2- При наведение на иконку "@" Всплывает краткое писание иконки "на mail.ru"
Hi every one and first off thank you sdepold for this feed. It basically rocks!
However I have a problem getting the multimedia-attachments out of the following validated feed: http://rss.filmstarts…
pls kino
ghost updated
7 years ago
Latest version of Crocoddyl (2.0.1) is not compatible with Biconovex_mpc. Some headers files changed their location. While building following errors are occurred:
there're many sites using JWPlayer with subtitles and would make sense not to filter this plugin for kino.pub (also based on JW Player) only.
Create the company logo for Kino Göteborg
# tests/
pyakaikkrを用いた動作テストを行うためにtests/akaikkr, tests/akaikkr_cndが用意されています。
## usage
$ python testrun.py --help
add python path /home/kino/kino/kit/AkaiKKRPyt…