Issues such as #47131 suggest our test coverage of failure modes for HA kubernetes configurations is insufficient.
This is a placeholder issue to review our existing test coverage, identify our mos…
- [쿠버네티스(Kubernetes, k8s)란? - redhat](https://www.redhat.com/ko/topics/containers/what-is-kubernetes)
- [컨테이너 오케스트레이션이란? - redhat](https://www.redhat.com/ko/topics/containers/what-is-container-o…
If you are trying to resolve an environment-specific issue or have a one-off question about the edge case that does not require a feature then please consider asking a question in argocd slack [channe…
[Options for Highly Available Topology](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/ha-topology/) states in reference to external etcd topology that "A minimum of three hosts…
In the readme, it links to a nonexistant template(likely because a lot of the community templates are now migrated into the main foreman project).
Line 32 is something entirely different than what …
1. 在本项目进行apiserver负载的时候用到了keepalived,但是我查阅了一些资料发现都是说的`priority`值越大才是主节点,其余为备用节点,但本项目中`priority`值最小的只有一个节点
1- Why did you use Kubeadmin. The kube admin docs says it supports only single master which means doesn't support HA.
2- Why didn't you use nginx which is the most industry standard for reverse proxy…
This is a fantastic tool that you've put together. :) I would like to know if any consideration has been given to cluster upgrades in hetzner-kube. i.e. A new version of Kubernetes has been released a…
**What kind of request is this (question/bug/enhancement/feature request):**
**Steps to reproduce (least amount of steps as possible):**
1. Install rancher use docker v2.4.8,kubernetes cl…