- Describe the issue or question:
Dear Nesvilab,
We are analyzing LC+MS data of human cell digests by Exploris 480 using FragPipe. The software is quite fast and detect quite a lot of proteins or pe…
we have noticed several issues with the msstats output when using TMT-I
- when using the TMT16 workflow the file is missing the header of the purity column. When running the same samples thr…
您好,想问一下超过1000张的任务显示下载超时的解决方案,已经尝试重新拉取下label free的镜像,依旧没有解决。
1)docker-compose -f docker-compose.labelfree.yml pull
2)bash ymir.sh start
labelstudio已经正确配置并且启动了,docker ps结果正常。
从ymir的web界面,点击数据里面的 “跳转到标注平台”
label-free can't load dataset
![Screenshot from 2022-05-26 11-30-25](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39917677/170411440-ecdab94f-d40d-4753-b052-10f54d635ede.png)
Following problems need to be solved in order to do that:
- protein inference (simple) is currently not compatible with ProteinQuantifier, throws an error
- FeatureFinderIdentification used to wor…
`INFO : [20220621-01:10:25] invoker_cmd_base.py:83:server_invoke(): request:
{'user_id': '00…