The [standard-reduction.xqy](https://github.com/marklogic-community/smart-mastering-core/blob/master/src/main/ml-modules/root/com.marklogic.smart-mastering/algorithms/standard-reduction.xqy
) module h…
Suggestion to expand the "Geohexa standard". At each context there are a "best representation"... But is necessary to avoid "free choice", to avoid [coodination dillema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
As described [here](http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1848528):
> Using a traditional fuzzy match algorithm to compute the closeness of two arbitrary strings is expensive, though, and i…
I need to ensure the options files I have created are syntactically valid before I enter them
to help decrease errors and make troubleshooting bad match/merge options easier
This would …
extract phonemes/graphemes from words
"laugh" -> ```{ graphemes: ['l','au','gh'], phonemes: ['l','æ','f'…
The `getquick`-lookup we use handles it perfectly, but the suspicion is that the later `similar_text` function doesn't.
I am on OS X Lion (or leopard). I have sqlite3 - (SQLite version 3.7.5) - installed at /usr/bin/sqlite3, and sqlite3, sqlite3-ruby and Text gems installed.
I have downloaded what I believe to be the …
(Had this sitting in my local todo list for a while. Don't recall the content of the article well, but may be worth l…
Currently, any given vendor (corporation) could be listed in the vendor data under a series of similar, but not identical names. This may be due to inconsistent naming, or data entry, or due to corpor…
I'm noticing that `Metaphone::new` takes a `max_code_length` parameter, with the `default()` method setting it to a fairly short 4. Is there any possibility of making `max_code_length` optional,…