It seems that a typical use of ORBSLAM2 is to hook up a webcam and use the ROS node for live video.
I have a drone with a mounted camera that takes pictures at regular intervals.
Is it possible for …
When I have compiled ORB_SLAM2 code, I have faced this error:
sami@sami:~/orbslam2_catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2/build$ make -j
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (fou…
I would like to use only selected features and their depth values through post-processing rather than features obtained through the frame constructor.
I mean...I want to estimate the motion with on…
My lap top can find my usb webcam.
I changed different parameters in usb_cam-test.launch and usb_cam_node.cpp . I mean, I used video1 instead of video0. In addition, I changed different values. I als…
I run stereo orbslam2
And compare it with cartographer
What I can confirm is that cartographer can be used as an accurate standard.
The trajectory of two methods above as follows:
I am using orbslam2 with ros kinetic and i've managed to run some examples using my webcam.
I know that orb slam saves the trajectory in KeyFrameTrajectory.txt. But what I want to do is extracting th…
Compile errors are as follows when it compiles to 84%
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/ORB_SLAM2.dir/src/pointcloudmapping.cc.o
Linking CXX shared library ../lib/libORB_SLAM2.so
[ 80%] Built…
Why doesn't my GUI interface look quite like the one in your video? Several configurations are missing, such as Visualize ORBSLAM2 map points and Visualize Ray-casting triangulation map points.
My GU…
This was the result of attempting to replace VSE3exmap with VSE2 and defining a new Edge to optimize the re-projection error of map points and a single SE2 pose instead of SE3 in orbslam2.
How to load .osa map file? Can you elaborate?System.LoadAtlasFromFile: "/home/nby/SLAM3/ROS_MAP/map.osa" But I can't see the map loading in rviz or tracking img