It will be great addition if we could add **Thanas** information to this package.
Many design items were identified when reviewer campaign pages here is the list
- [ ] Footer missing aurora
- [ ] Video formatting
- [x] Remove drop shadow on partner logo
- [ ] Text colour
- …
Managed to reproduce with police station kobe
Now, I don’t steal in my saves but in my friend’s save, they steal a lot. One day they got approached by the police and they chose run. They escaped with minimal difficulty. I think speeding up the po…
**English docs**
ID: 673358b02ddbd952f6241b38
URL: https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1847-host-google-fonts-locally
**French docs**
ID: 6733652e2ddbd952f6241b67
URL: https://fr.docs.wp-rocket.me/arti…
Note: API BASE URL is **https://sss.futureminutes.com/api/**
- Login
- Forget Password
- Your Notifications
- System Messages
- My Patrols
- Check-In/Out
- My Attendance History
- My Schedu…
I'm trying to add some extra lights on vehicle models and control them for drivers around the cars.
### Décrire le problème
1. Allez dans Edge, Access42, rester sur la partie haute du site où il y a le bouton "Contactez nous"
2. Sur le Réglage "supprimer les images de fond" sélectionner la valeur "…
Donner la possibilité d'accéder via CK editeur à des polices custom et à des tailles custom
> AtriumID-549