### ROS2 Version
### Version
### Installation
### What happened?
Hi @pariaspe , I was trying to figure out how to correctly use GoToGps instead of GoTo as motion behavior wit…
ROS bag files are logs of ROS messages. We often test our computer vision nodes by playing back bag files (using `rosbag play`) in simulated time so that our code thinks the robot is driving. We would…
**Describe the bug**
Hello! koide3! Thank you for your support always.
I wonder why imu_cursor is not used for imu_data in this [line](https://github.com/koide3/glim/blob/master/src/glim/odometry/…
There are a number of questions I haven't found an answer too in the website: And parsing the bag risks only confirming incorrect assumptions.
Camera Related:
1. What is the topic for the HW t…
Hi there,
I have a question. I have a HITL setup of DJI M300, and I am saving data by recording these topics using rosbag: dji_osdk_ros/attitude, dji_osdk_ros/imu, dji_osdk_ros/local_position and d…
Could you please provide the Rosbag you prepared the demos with?
I am running the MCAP files inside the container and can see the topics being published by using `ros2 bag play .mcap`. In a separate terminal, I can monitor the topics' frequency with `ros2 topic hz …
Thanks for your dataset SLAM Benchmark. I wonder if you have the ROS bag version of your dataset?
Hi, I've followed the instructions, so launch Fast-lio first, then launch detector. However, when I play the rosbag, dynfilter node exit unexpectedly. Any hint on this issue? Thanks for the help! : D…
Does this driver support reading the pcap files recorded by PandarView to publish in ROS msg (sensor_msg/Pointcloud2)?