## Links
* Signal Post: https://signal.org/blog/help-iran-reconnect/
* Their Repository: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy
* Our Original Issue: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-TLS-…
I have tried encoding text into two videos. They have sound but sound disappears after encoding.
Does this steganography really disappear the video sound or it is an error? Thanks
1. Encode the Text message
2. Decode the Text message
3. Exit
Enter the Choice:2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jw/store/src/Steganography-Tools/./Steganography.py", line 6…
一个 Red Team 攻击的生命周期,整个生命周期包括:
## 警惕 SNI 白名单地区隐蔽的大规模“降级攻击”
根据长期的观察,以及多位身处 SNI 白名单地区的群友的反馈,这些地区的 IPv4 TCP 并不封锁 SS、VMess 这类全随机数裸协议,与其它地区的封锁策略形成了鲜明的反差,是一种非常反常的现象。
我们已知对于封锁翻墙流量,SNI 白名单是一种附带伤害极高的方…
RPRX updated
6 months ago
mitgegebene datei ist wort für wort mit bas64 encoded (jedes mal 2x== dran gepadded), aber die nachricht ist nur ein hinweis auf, dass mit b64 stego gut geht.
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I always got "Unable to fix BPE error". Why?
This issue pertains to the ideas around watermarking Open Assistant generations via Linguistic Stenography. Linguistic Stenography is a field of active research however a few methods have emerged that…