Submitting one activity with AlertDialog for edit feature, will try to submit the other approach using CodePath cliffnotes (in couple of days).
@nesquena and @timothy1ee
tutorial.todoapp is now included in docs.pone.org > http://docs.plone.org/external/tutorial.todoapp/docs/index.html, can someone take it offline on rtd ?
The first exercise is using id's references in the code and the [TodoApp referenced CSS](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tastejs/todomvc/gh-pages/examples/backbone/node_modules/todomvc-app-css/index…
Rails 6 でTodoApp作る part1
Rails 6 でTodoApp作るぜ part3
Ruby on Railsで簡単なアプリを作成…
My app is complete. @codepathreview @codepath
Please take a look. Thanks a lot!
I can build the release without any issues to create `TodoApp-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.run`, which, when run, will install TodoApp at `~/TodoApp` and run it smoothly.
However, if I close the app and then…
Hi Darle,
I wanted to reach out and express my admiration for your app. I've followed your setup instructions diligently, and everything works flawlessly on Android. However, I've encountered an issu…
I want to create a ToDo Application using C# language
We do have a phone & tablet version, we are missing a full desktop version.
@nesquena @timothy1ee