### Guideline for Hierarchies in Voc4Cat
*first draft 2023-11-23*
Voc4Cat is a taxonomy that organizes concepts by subject. The type of relations between concepts to create hierarchies are stric…
Hi! Very nice project you have been starting. I'd be interested in contributing.
## Some of my potentially useful experience:
- hierarchical models (extensively via MixedModels.jl / LME4)
- okais…
Criar estratégia de análise dos dados do dataframe filtrado.
## Calcular porcentagens de artigos em cada revista
- [ ] % por revista
- [ ] % por ano
- [ ] Gerar gráficos com esses dados
- Must start early, at least run the base test out
- Make a clear list of LMs for fine-tuning
## Issue:
`ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (2,) + inhomogeneous part.` encountered dur…
Recently published Covid-19 dataset on Kaggle resulted in many interesting kernels.
My idea is to implement something similar to [this](https://www.kaggle.com/danielwolffram/topic-modeling-finding-re…
Looking for some typical open data with short texts which are interesting, in order to compare clustering methods (BTM / LDA / stm / coclustering / reinert text clustering / embedding clustering / aut…
Currently, I am trying to use the topic modelling for my data, but I am not been able to find any way to get all the result of document categorised under each topic.
[ ] Topic modelling: https://arxiv.org/abs/1402.6238
[ x ] famous paper on LSA fro C.F: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
[ ] Collaborative to…
### Title
Enhancing Information Retrieval Using Topic Modeling
### Team Name
### Email
### Team Member 1 Name
Kavisha Madani
### Team Member 1…