I'm unable to generate a rosbag from the KITTI odometry Velodyne dataset (http://www.cvlibs.net/download.php?file=data_odometry_velodyne.zip).
I get a AttributeError: odometry instance has n…
vkee updated
2 months ago
Can you provide a configuration file for the livox mid360 or other livox lidar?
I want to use what you have given as a reference.
Or how to convert livox data to xyzirt
Thank you very much…
I have successfully run it about 2 months ago, but today I want try it and find errors:
[ERROR] [1648522310.752299538]: Failed to load nodelet [/hdl32e_left/cloud_nodelet] of type [velodyne_pointclou…
Hi, thanks for sharing your great work, but I got a problem when I use rrc detector to train the model, the error is as below:
Det ratio 1.5
Only calculate the last transform with weight 0.001
Thank you very much for your work!
There are a few questions when you read your code. In the void ScanLineRun::velodyne_callback_ function, when calculating the row, how are the numbers 563, …
Hi author,
I run velodyne_mapping.launch file and found it was nothing displayed on rviz. Did you have any suggestions to modify launch file parameters? Thanks for your reply very much O(∩_∩)O~
Dear @Beniko95J ,
Thanks for your work!
Since one of the main contributions of MLF-VO is the multi-layer fusion of rgb and depth information, and as KITTI dataset also provides Lidar point cloud…
![Screenshot from 2024-07-19 02-26-46](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/7e25845e-3de5-435d-9c57-dd9ade7b9e0f)
i work with velodyne as lidar and an optical camera and i want the topic of fea…