Hey, I'm getting an error in the convolutional autoencoder on the line tf.nn.deconv2d
"AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'deconv2d'"
Also it isn't in the docs.
Are there any plans for implementing unpooling layers for convolutional autoencoders or FCN's, like the ones described in section 3.2.1 in Hoh - "Learning Deconvolution Network for Semantic Segmentati…
I believe that there is an error when using `phase` in the `default_scope` coupled with `batch_normalize=True`.
Basically it looks like this:
``` python
def encoder(self, inputs, latent_size, a…
Is it possible to set y equal to a 2D array for DataIterator? Based on the documentation, it looks like DataIterator expects a #ofexamples x 1 array for y.
I am looking to have a #ofexamples x 8 x 24…
Can this be used to predict what is written in an image? If so, how would I do that?
Hi viorik,
If I want to get a better performance, I should add more conv layers, right? Can you show me how to do this to encoder and decoder?
Is any way to connect an Affine layer to a Deconv layer? Like though a reshape layer or something? There seems to be issues with Affine layers not having a third dimension.
@viorik I was able to install the package (added installation instructions to the Wiki) and I am now trying to test it on a simple example, which is an adaptation of this example:
A Lasagne user found a problem with nondeterministic results for a convolutional autoencoder (discussion at https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lasagne-users/bfPPuQBBzmM/TatY1IuZBAAJ).
He provided a demo…
Hello there!
I'm trying your (needless to say) awesome, codebase, and i wonder just 2 things :
- Why omitting the batch norm layer at the end in your models? it seems you put batch normalization bef…