With Clojure version 1.2.1 and leiningen version 1.5.2 or 1.6:
# lein plugin install lein-midje 1.0.2
# lein new my_proj
# cd my_proj
* At this point, lein midje behaves nicely
* At this point,…
cch1 updated
13 years ago
For compatibility with the interactive task, the midje task should only exit if _exit-after-tests_ is false: https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/master/src/leiningen/test.clj#L9
Otherwise t…
To begin, excellent work!
I think it would be beneficial to separate the midje-mode and other Emacs code into a separate project. This would allow folks to git clone your Emacs work and keep up-to-da…
See http://bit.ly/9VykS8
The following fails:
(unfinished foo)
(defn g [x] (foo))
(g 1) => 5
(let [result (g 1)] result => 5) ;; This will fail.
(against-background (foo) => 5))
That's because the ba…
When I login using Cinnamon (and this only occurs with Cinnamon) some applications (e.g. Inkscape and Google Earth) create popups that persist, can't be moved and appear on all desktops, on top of any…
Since function/method dispatch happens at the JVM layer for protocols I suspect the regular binding trick won't work. Here is an example of it not working:
(defprotocol Foo
(bar [foo x])