Il y a une erreur dans la donnée : la donnée `caption` renvoie le contenu de la transcription. C'est une erreur d'accessibilité, il faut ajouter un champ "Légende" qui servira de `caption` au tableau.…
A use case I encounter in some situations (especially when creating complex forms) is having an object that changes over time but should not reside in the bloc state. For example, I…
Si on ajoute une image dans un récit, le bloc prend la taille de l'image en portrait ou paysage.
Si on place deux images en mode carrousel ou mosaïque les images sont par défaut recoupées.
Si on v…
bloc.dart is missing , can you please guide ? as i am new to flutter...
I am in the process of learning flutter ...
The state management solution ???
no idea where it can come from but the difference is obvious watching at theses video
(the slower is on p12)
Do you have any plans to make this package more aligned with Bloc Test https://pub.dev/packages/bloc_test ?
If you can provide an example of how to leverage checks for the side effects and stat…
When I try to change the HydratedBloc.storage variable, It won't change, unless I close the previous storage.
**Steps To Reproduce**
1. Create a hydrated bloc (cubit)
2. Build…
I'm getting the following error that doesn't make sense:
The argument type 'LexemeFlashBloc (where LexemeFlashBloc is defined in C:\Users\Christian\Documents\Programming\speedy\lib\blocs\lexem…