I am Satwant and am an undergrad at IIT Delhi. Over the past year I have become a Scala fan, primarily because of my internship work at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and exten…
I found the operator `
Builder Pattern / Fluent API with comonads:
- http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/02/you-could-have-invented-comonads.html
- https://chshersh.github.io/posts/2019-03-25-comonadic-builders
Posted on slack by monoidmusician:
Phil explains one way of understanding comonads
this is one of the task items that add up to making a version 0.7 release.
Not sure how useful it could be, but I think Day f g is a Comonad given f and g are Comonads.
``` hs
extract :: (Comonad f, Comonad g) => Day f g a -> a
extract (Day fx gy xya) = xya (extract fx)…
The interplay between free monads and cofree comonads has been written about [to some degree](http://dlaing.org/cofun/posts/free_and_cofree.html). Would it be possible to expose this theory in the imp…
bollu updated
6 years ago
I'm sure you're aware of these @ekmett, but I'll put them in an issue just for documentation purposes.
active- (Brent Yorgey byorgey@gmail.com @byorgey) cannot use:
- semigroupoids-4.0 -…
Hey, I'm pretty new to recursion-schemes, but one of my first attemps at it is giving me trouble. I essentially wrote a solver for the coin change problem, and while it behaves how I expect as a `hist…