Please add a Spanish dvorak layout.
This is very similar to the English dvorak layout - for reference, see
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teclado_Dvorak or
Any plans to add this? Thanks!
The keyboard input in egui is limited in a couple of ways:
* Lots of keys missing from `Event::Key`
* We don't report the `super/meta` modifier key
* We don't report modifier key presses (just th…
- 微软双拼显示分号(;) #190
- 独立数字行
- 仓颉/注音输入法在键盘上显示对应的符号
- QWERTZ/AZERTY/Dvorak/Colemak 等键盘布局
- 九宫格拼音 #109
- 日语十二键 #375
- 用户自定义键盘布局
Keyboard layout controlled by input…
rocka updated
3 weeks ago
I have my Mac configured to use the Dvorak keyboard layout. When I try to use keyboard shortcuts in RoslynPad, it acts as though my keyboard is set to QWERTY. (For example, if I do Ctrl+O for Open, it…
I use a Dvorak keyboard layout. It would be nice to be able to use that in the bootloader editor as well as once Iʼve actually booted into an OS, but of the common Linux bootloader,s it looks like on…
Please add a Spanish dvorak layout.
This is very similar to the English dvorak layout - for reference, see
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teclado_Dvorak or
Please add a Spanish dvorak layout.
This is very similar to the English dvorak layout - for reference, see
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teclado_Dvorak or
Please add a Spanish dvorak layout.
This is very similar to the English dvorak layout - for reference, see
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teclado_Dvorak or
Please add a Spanish dvorak layout.
This is very similar to the English dvorak layout - for reference, see
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teclado_Dvorak or