https://github.com/pablohpsilva/vuejs-component-style-guide/blob/master/README-CN.md (Vue.js 组件编码规范)
https://github.com/vuejs-tips/cheatsheet (小抄)
The binder does not seem to work for the example: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/mariobuikhuizen/ipyvuetify/master?filepath=examples%2FExamples%20template.ipynb
Waiting for build to star…
### ✅ :shipit: Done!
- [x] replace default emoji with :|
add levels of joy => :) :] :D
- [x] turn linting back on
- [x] Python3 or python2????
- [x] think about removing google liscence and …
**Describe the issue**:
Hi there, just starting to use `nni` and was interested in trying some features in the master branch, but couldn't get the install to work. The error message is `error: pack…
## 编程小炒
https://github.com/wxyyxc1992/Awesome-CheatSheet/tree/master/ProgrammingLanguage (👍 💯 💯 学习)
## Vulcan.js
https://github.com/VulcanJS/Vulcan (A toolkit to quickly build apps with Rea…
Umi 2 发布已经是一年半之前的事了,在这段时间里,我们发现之前的架构正逐渐不能满足业务飞速发展的需要,于是我们重写了一遍 Umi。经过几个月的 “007 ” 研发,Umi 3 在今天正式和大家见面了,并调整 slogan 为“**插件化的企业级前端应用框架**”。
## Umi 是什么?
有些朋友可能还不太了解 Umi。
Umi 是蚂蚁金服的底…
### Description
This group defined a number of [projects/goals for 2023](https://github.com/nodejs/package-maintenance/issues/550) & one of them was to create a new "statusboard" (similar to npm's …
如果 @benjycui 没时间我个人愿意承担这部分工作:)
**The "Delete" button does not work under the "Edit Filters" tab.**
The hover over effect does work, the button will appear red but nothing happens when I click it. We run MegaQC through Docker comp…