Promise.all error:TypeError: L.esri.Vector.vectorBasemapLayer is not a function with LWC
my code shown below
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getRecord…
PKI portal: https://rqa03pkiwa.ags.esri.com/gis/home/
1. Sign in to this PKI portal https://rqa03pkiwa.ags.esri.com/gis/home/ (Get PKI certificate from https://ragsreports.ags.esri.com/…
I get 404 error for above 2 line
should be:
hoogw updated
3 years ago
I try to use map spin but a get this error on browser console
Uncaught TypeError: map.spin is not a function
this is my script
### Describe the bug
It seems like the comment in the header of the dist files has the version of the previous release instead of the current release.
I have a browser application that requires several libraries. I used npm to install them, and I want to load them with requirejs.
My HTML code looks like this:
Where airportLeafletScript is the m…
### Describe the bug
I am currently in the process of moving my production app from `L.esri.BasemapLayer` to your vector tiles plugin and running into an issue. When calling the map.invalidateSize()…
Thanks for sharing this sample. I follow your blogs closely and always find something useful.
This one is of particular interest because it includes optimizing/bundling.
However I am getting errors on…
i used all possible functions to add leaflet ruler plugin but it gives me errors like :
js: Uncaught ReferenceError: map is not defined
# Add Leaflet-Ruler plugin
If ESRI has their data available like this
why can't I serve data to Cesium like this…