spec/views/invoices_index_view_spec.rb line: 9
spec/views/ orders_index_view_spec.rb line: 10
Needs to be updated to
` Product.create(:name => products.sample, :price => Faker::Number.betwee…
Can we upgrade faker to v4?
### Clear and concise description of the problem
The current arrayElements method only takes elements from an array once.
The multiple method only uses a function as input.
I need a method to pic…
### Describe the problem
I live in a country where Twitter is officially blocked, and I have to turn on the VPN every time. is it possible to add a connection through my proxy server inside the appli…
时速超100KM的玩具前一段时间在观看旅游视频的时候注意到了拍摄用的穿越机,小小的玩具竟然可以达到150KM/h的速度,再搭配上飞行眼镜体验感拉满了。 5冠的飞
### Clear and concise description of the problem
Similar to animal module, a plant module
I feel this would be quite useful in its own right but also as a pattern for other modules
for example…
Thanks for this great project! :heart:
* Faker version: 28.4.1
* OS: openSUSE 15.5
If you run the `.uri()` method and pass the URN (Uniform Resource Name) scheme, it returns the wrong result.
TODO replace faker dependency. See https://github.com/faker-js/faker
_Originally posted by @marhali in https://github.com/ocean-tech-ship/ocean-pearl/issues/561#issuecomment-1050708724_