Describe the enhancement in detail.
User should be able to configure the output formatting of data.
As a start, the current display code could be abstracted into a formatter
class and using the …
Auto-formatting currently prefers external formatters to language servers:
**Describe the bug**
Running the Format Code Source command on CoCalc results in serious loss of data in bibtex files.
I recommend the following
1. That **Format Source Code** be disabled by de…
format(new Date(), 'yyyy') results in Uncaught TypeError: _formattersMjs.formatters is undefined
Could be implemented with an argument to `debugme()`, like `debugme::debugme(formatter = debugme:::handle_dynamic_code(.))` . Perhaps even with the default `formatter = .`.
### What is the current behavior?
Files are passed via xargs to the formatter tool and run serially
### Describe the feature
I have multiple C++ projects with large numbers of files (~1000) t…
### What is the current behavior?
At the moment it is not possible to provide arguments into the formatters specified in `format_multirun`. Instead, in order to configure their behaviour, one needs t…
### Problem description
1. Install `black` or `ruff`
2. In `config.lua` set:
lvim.format_on_save.enabled = true
local formatters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters")
Originally reported by: **Florian Bruhin (BitBucket: [The-Compiler](http://bitbucket.org/The-Compiler), GitHub: @The-Compiler?)**
For this code:
import pygments.lexers
import …
### Did you check existing requests?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Describe the feature
Wanted: Extend the configuration in the usage section to some more low level usage, but…