Hello, I would like to ask what pictures are used in each scene of kitti360?
2 sequences for KITTI360, 2013_05_28_drive_0000_sync_image_00 from 0000000000 to 0000002000; 2013_05_28_drive_0002_sync_image_00 from 0000004391 to 0000014354.
The serial number is more than 10,000…
Hello 👋
Although they are uploaded already, I was interested in how did you convert the labels from **KITTI-360** to **KITTI** format?
Could you please share that code if possible.
Thanks i…
Hi Kwea123,
thanks for your great re-implementation of Nerf. In several issues, I have seen that you have successfully used Nerf to fit the forward driving scene (e.g. from KITTI) while using the …
Hi, I would like to have a set of point clouds in the vehicle's **local coordinate frame**, at each timestamp, with corresponding semantic and bounding box labels.
Basically, the **instantaneous ob…
对于kitti360数据集,在生成rangeview的过程中,你设置pano height=66, pano width=1030, 想问下这个是怎么得到的,因为我想要用我自己的lidar数据,这两个参数是和什么有关
Hi, I'm trying to run the training.
# single modality
python main_alignmif.py -L --workspace kitti360-1908/lidar --enable_lidar --config configs/kitti360_1908.txt
python main_alignmif.py …
Is there any details about experiments on DDD17 and DSEC?