### Pitch
If an user who is blocked sends someone a mention, said post should be automatically-reported on an audit queue. This would require there to be said audit queue.
### Motiva…
We're moving the bucket used by coverage reports to one within the elastic account. As we're transitioning, we are publishing the coverage reports to both buckets for a bit. Once we've transitioned, w…
There are two annoyances when trying to mention someone:
1. Clicking their name on the timeline takes you to their member info, rather than inserting a mention like in the legacy apps (and the lega…
[The now-unmaintained NewPipe Legacy](https://newpipe.net/blog/pinned/newpipe-legacy/) is still referenced on the website, most prominently in [the home page](https://newpipe.net/#download). Those ref…
### The problem
When asking assist for the date and time it mentions it based on the UTC which is 3 hours behind, not saying the correct one as it's displayed correctly in the Time & Date integrati…
Provide easy ways to support mentions with @ in the Rich Editor:
- Listener for the text written after the @
- Highlight the mention text (optional)
- Delete the mention text at once (optional)
send empty intentional mentions so bot posts dont unintentionally mention someone eg when displayname = github org
### Description
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 5.23.08 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wang-h-z/pe/main/files/fcfee164-4deb-445a-9c1d-f4da22d6a6c1.png)
Misleading entry in the `Planned Enhan…