I have Yolo2 darknet19 weights and cfg files pretrained on a custom dataset. I converted those to TF h5 weights using the `convert.py` script, which also created an anchors file. However when I…
想请教下你关于第三个mobile+yolo模型的问题,一般来说网上提供的mobilenet训练好的模型,其图片输入都有做归一化,例如类似:normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])。想问下你训练所用的mobilenet模型是否也是其他人预训练好的,如果是你是否…
python distill_pruned_model.py \
-c ../../../configs…
Thank you for your nice guideline for yolov7.
I'd like to know whether we can train and test customized backbone (instead of basic yolo backbone) based on yolov7.
For instance, can we exchange t…
In the current code you are using "yolo3_mobilenet1.0_coco" for object detection. Can you please tell me how to use "Yolov3-Nano"( https://github.com/dog-qiuqiu/MobileNet-Yolo/tree/master/Mobi…
Great idea. I see you are using `HaarCascade` for face detection. Why don't you train `YOLO-R` for only face and then Train a `MobileNet` as `Siamese Triplet` for Embedding generation? Both models are…
In your backend.py code, it has provisions for multiple backend options(tiny_yolo, squeezenet, mobilenet, inception, vgg16, resnet50).
Where to download these model(.h5) files and its corresonding …
Hi all.
I'm trying to load pretrained weights of the tiny yolo model, and it writes that the model don't fit to the number of model layers
`ValueError: You are trying to load a weight file conta…
More network examples build with Tensorspace, add interesting examples to "examples" folder:
- [x] Resnet 50
- [ ] Dense net
- [x] Acgan generative model
- [ ] pix2pix - Picture style transfer
I'm trying to convert a tiny-yolov3 model from .weight to .Caffemodel, and the models are from the author's website: [https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/](url)
I followed the tutorial in [http…