Tried using this with MVC5 application in VS2015 targeting .Net 4.6. You cannot get the packages aligned, even when installing via packet manager for solution. Constantly getting package manager error…
I'm looking for advice for a new Xamarin mobile app to be hosted with Azure. Would you implement the app service with MVC5 or Core 2.0? If Core, would you go with Razor Pages or MVC, giv…
This code:
const string pageName = "pageName";
Not really a problem. I used to use Foundation myself but recently moved over
to Bootstrap since it is now included in new MVC5 projects. Moreover the
availability of many free and low-cost them…
Необходимо реализовать тестирование для авторизации. Контроллеры которые входят в процесс авторизации:
Время работы ~6+ часов
When i used NuGet to upgrade the following message did appear when using Web API 2.1 and MVC5
Error activating ModelValidatorProvider using binding from ModelValidatorProvider to NinjectDefaultModelV…
I have created Asp.Net MVC Angular2 application which is working fine while running in visual studio2017 External Host. But when i publish this application and run through IIS. i am receiving an error…
We are using MvcSiteMapProvider in MVC5 project. We have static sitemap, mix with Dynamic Nodes that implements IDynamicNodeProvider.
What is the best practice to use caching in this scenario?…
### Bug report
My ASP.NET MVC5 renders some views using the Hybrid UI framework.
In one of this views there is a grid with custom commands.
This is the JavaScript event handler for one of them
The new MVC5 and Web API 2 templates launch a selection mechanism that allows the user to select an authentication scheme. The current templates would relate to the "No Authentication" option. We need…