Error while running **glove_model.py** file
I am supplying a corpus to train, I have Copied corpus in Glove-1.2 directory and ran the code from embeddings folder and gave the name of corpus as para…
Good day
I used `rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono ~/ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ~/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/Monocular/our.yaml /camera/image_raw:=/usb_cam/image_raw`
The viewport opens and I see lots of green lin…
Hi I'm trying to interpolate two fairly straightforward 3gram lms with the
interpolate-ngram tool.
The command I'm running is,
$ interpolate-ngram -o 3 -l lm1.arpa,lm2.arpa -…
HI @mlzxy ,
Could you please mention the hardware spec. of the system used for the "Real Robot Experiment" in the paper? Since that produced instant results, it would be helpful to know and recipr…
From what I understood, the only difference between mask proposal network in this repo is the number of classes predicted (binary vs N dataset classes) and N predictions can be converted to binary pre…
(1)文中提到将CLIP最后一层修改后作为decoder,进行分割。请问进行zero-shot分割时,还需要text encoder信息吗?还是说经过decoder处理后直接输出分割结果了?因为文中没有给出分割的整体框图,所以我对这个分割流程不太清晰。
[Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos](http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/ICCV2023/html/Fan_Unsupervised_Open-Vocabulary_Object_Localization_in_Videos_ICCV_2023_paper.html) fro…
Hello there,
I wanted to preface this by saying that I am running in a Conda environment for python 3.9.18 within Ubuntu 23.10 inside of visual studio code, the command line for attempting inferenc…
Hi, I am interested VLpart model. Where can I find the paper? Thanks.