## 官网对比
Lodash 明显设计感强一些.
Ramda 功能…
This seems to be a fairly easy function, and I'm sure that flow could infer the resulting type almost automatically, if you were to write it out in idiomatic JavaScript.
In a similar manner, I cha…
I created a event-catalog project using the command npx @eventcatalog/create-eventcatalog@latest my-catalog. The build process works perfectly with "npm run build", but I'm encountering an erro…
Lamda currently depends on _LoDash_ for the functions `compose` and `curry`, I propose to depend on **Ramda** instead. The reason: string representation of functions.
Currently the string representat…
Currently, we support linting code imported with:
import { ifElse, cond } from 'ramda'
import R from 'ramda'
but things like:
This one
import R from 'ramda'
gets removed.
The result is similar to this issue #36.
Hi, I think it would be interesting to add a function (which could be called `R.renameKeys`) which would rename properties of an object according to a mapping object (replacing object keys by correspo…
[`Ramda.assoc()`](http://ramdajs.com/docs/#dissoc), by analogy with Clojure's `assoc`, takes a key, a value, and an object, and returns a copy of the object with that key and value added. (Ramda funct…
Peeja updated
7 years ago
We're running into dependency issues when using a custom Angular env so that we can use Angular Material. Unfortunately, [installation](https://material.angular.io/guide/getting-started#install-angula…
Ramda's curry seems to have a bit more code to it compared to [fj-curry](https://github.com/fp-js/fj-curry) which is more minimal and has the same features.