Following up on your message here : https://github.com/Clariity/react-chessboard/issues/119#issuecomment-2293317366
I think the issue you are seeing comes at least from this : https://github…
Following [this Slack thread](https://exercism-team.slack.com/archives/CAS0EK88H/p1644497987712339) and [this PR discussion](https://github.com/exercism/go/pull/1254/files)
In the track, there are …
My app crashes with this error when I have the code below. This is new in 4.7.1; the error does not happen in 4.7.0.
Hello there, thanks for your amazing library!
I am building a chess app, where in the beginning you have to place pieces by yourself. Seems like SparePiece component is a perfect solution for me. B…
I wanted the users to be able to click the piece and click another square to move like in chesscom. It does perfect job but I have a problem when its promotion time. Lets say a pawn is at d7 and i cli…
Please fix this issue for Nextjs
Setting "animated" to true or false currently has no impact on the appearance of moving pieces.
I'm consuming the [Lichess TV API](https://lichess.org/api#tag/TV/operation/tvFeed), and I want to di…
I just installed plugin from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/download?updateId=379850
However it doesn't seam to removed file from tree files that it found, as shown in pic:
as you see MARKD…
- stars > 10
- not archived
- has `package.json`
- has `package-lock.json`
- hasn't `yarn.lock`
- hasn't `pnpm-lock.yaml`
- `package-lock.json` was updated less than 6 months ago
- is …
In Reactjs.There is anything like onMove() to capture the current move.Then there is anything to get editted pgn moves(whole pgn string).