When I run ros code in both raspberry pi (strech, kinetic ros) or in ubuntu14.04(indigo) I get same error. this is the error:
habib@Habib:~/catkin_ws/src/arducam_usb2_ros/launch$ roslaunch arducam_…
I updated from ROS Indigo running ros-indigo-orocos-kdl 1.3.1 to ROS Melodic running ros-melodic-orocos-kdl 1.4.0.
Something that works fine (KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive.JntToCart ) in Indig…
catkin build hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials --make-args -j1
でhrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorialsでcatkin bulidするとcatkin buildが終了しません.
``` b…
Hi I am trying to install the package and it says in its instructions:
This repository contains two ROS workspaces (one internal, one external). The build process is proctored by the update scri…
- Add `pcl_ros` to `find_package` and `catkin_package`.
- Remove `PCL` from `catkin_package->DEPENDS`.
- Remove `${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}` from `include_directories`
- Add `…
I'm getting the following error from the rosbridge server when I try to start up ros-control center. Can you help me figure out what causes this issue?
`['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', ' …
Feels like it's something related to thread-safety... BUT, that's just my intuition... haven't looked at the code.
How it renders in rqt_graphprofiler:
特に害は無い (利用時に問題回避可能) のですが,同一名称のファイルが複数見付かります.`rospack find` で見つけられる `share/openhrp3/export-collada` を使うようにしていますが,どれを使うべき,というのはあるのでしょうか?
$ find /opt/ros -iname export-collada
The error log is,
In file included from /home/junhyuck/bebop_ws/devel/.private/bebop_driver/include/bebop_driver/BebopArdrone3Config.h:16:0,
from /home/junhyuck/bebop_ws/src/bebop…
akhkh updated
5 years ago
Hi, I tried to use `semantic_point_annotator` package that contains `sac_inc_ground_removal_node` executable, and installed via `apt-get install ros-indigo-semantic-point-annotator`.
However, `rosrun…