## Purpose
The purpose of this SDI is to improve the design of AxisTensors. There are several issues with the existing design:
1. A single "mega-type" (a type-heavy struct) is used to allow for _ma…
- which field to use
- confirm understanding of how data are set
- caveats / to know?
**Submitting author:** @andrewwinters5000 (Andrew Winters)
**Repository:** https://github.com/trixi-framework/HOHQMesh
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): paper-2024-joss
**Version:** …
Melhorar o algoritmo de predição da dispersão do rejeito com base no relevo do local, construções, etc...
When trying to create a `LinearVariationalProblem` from the derivative of a form, UFL throws an error if:
- The mesh is a manifold
- The coordinate degree is greater than 1
- The form includes th…
My mass flow rate equation is wrong. This one: https://www.electricrcaircraftguy.com/2014/04/propeller-static-dynamic-thrust-equation-background.html
Someone let me know that:
> equation 5 for m…
I have not seen either in the shenfun paper or on spectralDNS/shenfun
guidelines regarding large scale applications, e.g: what operations are costly at the end?
what variables hold data at the end?
We are happy to announce the release of HydPy 6.0, which comes with many documentation improvements, lots of new models, and, most importantly, a boost in flexibility in combining different model com…
**Submitting author:** @andrewwinters5000 (Andrew Winters)
**Repository:** https://github.com/trixi-framework/HOHQMesh
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): paper-2024-joss
**Version:** …