I would like to inquire about the "raw event streams" mentioned in the paper, where it states, "we propose a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) that takes the raw event streams as input directly f…
The value of 'dt' as 15 and 'T 'as 60 at TABLE I for the data set DVS128 Gesture, and found the testing accuracy 89.9305% in the epoch 138, where your work in the paper says it has an efficiency of 9…
The shared nearest neighbors implementation in SOD leads to questionable results, probably because of a race condition in the [parallel snn implementation](https://github.com/yzhao062/pyod/blob/c4aecd…
## 🐛 Bug
The default initialisation gain for the SELU activation function breaks [SNNs](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2017/hash/5d44ee6f2c3f71b73125876103c8f6c4-Abstract.html), which explicitly requ…
At the same time, I would like to kindly inquire about the training details, such as the dataset, pre-training, optimizer, and training time. Additionally, I am interested in the reasons behind the su…
I use 'yolov3-tiny-mp2conv-mp1none-lk2relu-up2tconv' configuration to train a normal ANN model and reached a roughly 39% mAP in coco dataset, then I run 'ann_to_snn.py' script and have a transferred S…
* snntorch version: 0.7.0
* Python version: 3.10.13
* Operating System: Ubuntu x64
### Description
When I load a pre-trained model and push it from GPU->CPU or the vice versa. Certain variable…
D:\ANACONDA\envs\Mytorch\python.exe D:/SNN/PyTorch-Spiking-YOLOv3-ultralytics/ann_to_snn.py
Namespace(augment=False, batch_size=2, cache_images=False, cfg='cfg/yolov3-spp.cfg', channel_wise=False, co…
I have following error reporting; any ideas for solving this problem?
> monocle_Ne marker_test_res
Hi, the acc of trained ann resnet is 0.80 , but when I try to convert it into snn using this code , the converted snn acc is only 0.77.
In the fuse_norm_replace function of the snn which reaches 0.7…