We are using "com.datadoghq" % "java-dogstatsd-client" % "4.2.0", as SBT dependency for our Flink application. Suddenly during HPA rescaling or any general redeployment we are seeing the follo…
Stub suggestion sometimes gets cut off
Error: Real HTTP connections are disabled.
Unregistered request:
POST: https://something.com xxxxxx
You can stub this reques…
We found that `expects.never` doesn't fail a test when the method is stubbed with `stubs`. Reproduce example below, with the `test_foo_never_called` case. I don't think this is intended?
Running stubtest from mypy main on typeshed produces:
error: not checking stubs due to mypy build errors:
stdlib/asyncio/events.pyi:23: note: class asyncio.unix_events.AbstractChildWatcher is…
Please consider adding type stubs. Without static type information, it feels like walking in total darkness: no auto-completion, no types, no parameters, nor return values—nothing. It is very easy to …
Currently, `rust` bindgen inserts stubs for Wasm imports on native targets, which simply panic.
I'd like to discuss possibilities for making this configurable or perhaps define a convention of some…
I think this could be useful when constructing very bespoke tables. This function could return essentially the `label` column of a table, and be a place where we can begin adding custom results on to.…
Type stubs can be provided in separate packages. For example, a package `foo` has a companion package `types-foo` or `foo-stubs`.
With poetry, a typical _pyproject.toml_ file looks like this:
The stub `with` presently expects arguments that are `Protobuf::MessageExts` or a hash (where the hash syntax supports constants, regexes, and rspec matchers).
This allows for fine-grained stubbing…