import { create } from 'zustand'
import { persist, StateStorage, createJSONStorage } from 'zustand/middleware'
const hashStorage: StateStorage = {
getItem: (key): string => {
Hello there,
I noticed one thing that on other sites works well, but somehow on my project (Eleventy + Nunjucks) is not working as expected.
I have 1 search page and different page for blogs. Whe…
This works in the browser, but the TS definition doesn't allow it:
new URLSearchParams(new FormData(document.querySelector('form')));
The type is currently:
declare var URLSe…
Would be nice to have it as well.
See https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlsearchparams
Currently, `UrlSearchParams#toString` will include key names for parameters with falsey values.
Test: `new UrlSearchParams({ debug: false, foo: 'bar' }).toString()`
Expected output: `'foo=bar'`
## Feature Request
We are using typa.http.assertQuery for an API we are using.
We need to be able to use nested query parameters in the query string.
An example of this would be a query like this…
### Description
It might be a bit niche, but not everyone knows that you can convert an object to a URLSearchParams without a for loop.
### Fail
const tokenParams = new URLSearchParams…
### Description
I was working with React Native and I needed to parse a URL to get a parameter, for that I used the `URL` class and got the serialized `searchParams`, but in every attempt it gave all…
This function seems awful redundant to the official URLSearchParams entries