im getting error in:
-database , for some reason dont getting the sentiment column
-getiing error on database/indices/snp500_heatmap.csv no such file or directory
-EmptyDataError at /senate/ No c…
nipwd updated
2 years ago
Setup Yahoo Finance API calls
The calls should:
* Filter by company name
* Return closing prices based on date range passed
Hi there, I would like to use your wonderful wrapper PMAW to conduct the following data search for all comments with the following keywords "don't hate" AND "Thomas" (i.e., any comments that contain "…
**What's the feature that should be improved?**
The BA menu does not get activated until a ticker is loaded. However, the results from reddit inside the ba menu seem unrelated to the ticker viz.
The actual MIT License is missing.
The license is also missing in
Have you looked into if some form of low level charting could be done?
I see the basic stock plugin had green/red arrows to show the daily +/- position and your range versions seems already more adva…
Can you add `useBytes = TRUE` per [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41717781/warning-input-string-not-available-in-this-locale) with grepl?
# Error Message in console:
Is there a way to get the timestamp from get_reddit()? e.g. {"created_utc": 1543846575.0}
` comm_date = format(as.Date(as.POSIXct(unlist(lapply(ma…
When I create a private server everything comes across fine, but when I join r/wallstreetbets the messages do not trigger the OnMessageReceived. I wonder if it has somthing to do with the channel fea…