__Issue description__: On mobile, we get a log of JS errors "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation." when sliding on mobile.
__Demo link/slider setting__:
var …
Currently webpack packs all locale json into a same js file with other modules. Since it is a common module, every entry point will load this js. Having all locales in there bloats up this js file, th…
I found out that if we enable `defer_javascript` or `lazyload_images` filtres, some of the JS files on the website load twice.
I checked that on Firefox and didn't get the same result, so I assume th…
Is it possible to configure rwd_attachment_image or $my_image_sizes array to display original image or the biggest one in src attribute?
It's important for correct lazyload setup and SEO. P…
Hi :wave:,
I'm Romuald from the [Lsos](https://lsos.org/), an organization that develops financial solutions for open source projects, and we are currently doing outreach to projects we like.
I added react-lazyload _(I'm impressed by the ease of use!)_ and have tried it out on my site. Since I'm client-rendering, I use react-snapshot to generate html-only versions of my site. Unfortunatel…
Die Ladezeit von einer Frage zur nächsten ist auf einem Testsystem mit 2 cores und < 16Gb RAM ca 15 Sekunden.
Wir sollten versuchen herauszufinden, wo hier die meiste Zeit verbracht wird. Mögliche …
When you start scrolling on mobile(Safari && Chrome from iOS) it is able to scroll vertically and thats bad UX. Is there any workarounds for that case.
My settings:
let settings = {
I'm looking at some of the things [LazySizes](https://afarkas.github.io/lazysizes/index.html)
can do. One cool feature is a low quality place holder image. It would be nice
if j-p-t could generate a…