Hi @jasonslyvia Thank you for putting out this library. Wondering if it supports showing the components to Google and other search engine bots, and/or if that is something you'd consider adding?
你好 项目中想要实现懒加载 如何去修改webpack的配置呢?谢谢
`'src=""` sets a white 1x1 GIF as placeholder. This looks really ugly if the background is anything other than white. A transparen…
I am searching for a solution that integrates two vertical sliders on one page.
– one should run from top to bottom, and the second one the other way around (rtl?).
– both should scroll one …
I have a grid of images and I would like to have them fade in using react-lazyload-fadein but I can't change the preset Div from inline-block to the needed inline. Below does not work:
if you have BiocInstaller already installed (and for impute, I believe this tends to be the case), it turns out that recent versions will do a smart install of github packages and dependencies where p…
### 前端性能优化(二)
#### 执行优化
+ 测试代码的性能
+ http://jsben.ch/
+ https://benchmarkjs.com/
+ https://github.com/jsperf/jsperf.com
##### JIT(Just In Time)
+ 了解原理即可,[原文](https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/0…
I have an angular app, which uses iframe as main content holder, and inside of that iframe i have a list of images I need to lazy load.
Here is question, if I load lazySizes in index.html, can it deal…
As noted in https://github.com/jasonslyvia/react-lazyload/issues/56 this **currently only supports lazy loading on the vertical / y-axis**, I think the documentation should reflect that since I just w…
if I push one page after another page then I want to pop first page (first page have lazyload) then have a problem. it is
` [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] null is not an object (evaluati…