In light of these [latest additions in EasyList](https://github.com/easylist/easylist/commit/5447a5640b80ef16088f5c10885e28fca64b5b1c), try to extract valid tokens from regex-based filters.
The following url, when pasted into a SMF forum post, will hopelessly confuse the bbcode parser (this url was taken from the address bar while browsing around in Firefox, which has the unusual behavio…
shmax updated
8 years ago
I got error 500 Internal Server Error when logging in with Github
Deprecated: The third argument to Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe() ($out) will be required starting with Strati…
areyi updated
7 years ago
Insert video(youtube) in post? It's posible?
I've configured wercker like this:
box: wercker/default
- arjen/hugo-build:
version: "0.18"
theme: lanyon
flags: --buildDrafts=false
When using the "Browse Server" button (while creating a link in a TextPagePart with CKEDITOR) you still get the new LinkChooser-link, for example: [NT8].
All links in the TextPagePart need to be re…
updated the package to the latest `develop` update.
While running
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
I get the following error:
[Illuminate\Database\QueryException] …
I have created a simple custom module (just a few fields) and want to add a link in the email to allow me to bind an incoming email to this module. I cannot see any way to do this via the admin…
#### This strings are color settings for the template mirage
COM_KUNENA_TEMPLATE_ACTIVE_FONT_COLOR_DESC = "Enter the color of the font …
Not sure whether this is a bug or intended, but both Markdown and BBCode links without a "http://" prefix become links relative to the current directory; and that's often not useful.
See this topic f…