I would love to help fill out more of your markup renderer in orgmode-parse.
Do you have an idea of what you want the markup types to look like?
I see in the readme it says this is being worked on.…
Auto-closing brackets or the like appear to have been inserted. Stuff that didn’t seem to be in the input. Mr Janc pointed this out. Check back with @mkraetke for details
Acredito que vamos precisar de diversos comandos matemáticos que não estão listados no ambiente de edição. Sugiro colocar um botão que abre uma caixa com vários comandos como os que estão no link a se…
hashtags: [#jatscon & #JATS4R](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=jatscon%20OR%20jats4r%20OR%20%22JATS-CON%22)
I mean literal equation in the cell, not a formula for calculation. Both a picture and a Design Science MathType's equation are ok
for example, $\sum_{k=1}^nkx $ which is rendered by Latex
ich wollte grad die tudscr auf osx 10.10.5 installieren, leider kriege ich folgende Fehlermeldung beim Ausführen von Installationsdatei.
Weiss jemand, wie ich den Fehler behebe.
https://twitter.com/EvoMRI/status/857292772059086849 (reported by @Daniel-Mietchen)
下述代码包含了利用MathJax在markdown中显示数学公式,包括行间的使用`$$ $$`和行内的使用`$ $`
``` markdown
### Mathtype in List
+ Transverse Ising model
H=-\sum_{i=1}^N (\sigma_{i}^x \sigma_{i+1}^x+g \sigma_{i}^z)
1&3&\Theta \\
{\frac{{dy}}{{dx}}}&{\mathop {\lim }\limits_{\delta x \to 0} }& \pm \\
{\sum\limits_1^3 2 }&x& \ne
above code copy from Mat…
If letters have different heigh, and they are wrapped with the norm sign in mathml, the high of norm sign is different.
ghost updated
8 years ago